Week 21: It’s the Cards: Re-Stack the Deck!

Stacking the Deck

“What the hell are all these cards for?” That was a question I had when assigned to get 300 or more index cards. Mark J’s reply was, “Just trust me. Get the damn cards!  Don’t-think-about-it! ” Then he eased me into it. I started out using just two and just one line on the card at at time. Now months later I’ve got a pocket full of cards and I’m adding more all the time. Shuffling and re-shuffling. Now I think I’ve finally got the lesson down – life has always been a card game. And the deck was stacked against me.

Stacking the Deck: Any evidence that supports an opposing argument is simply rejected, omitted, or ignored. (That’s the Subby doing its thing)

Wow! That definition is quite revealing. The stand I most often take is simply rejecting anybody’s opinion that may contradict my beliefs. I am, after all, always right. It couldn’t be otherwise. Or, could it be that I myself am using a stacked deck – against myself?

The term “stacking the deck” describes the fallacy — it literally means setting up a deck of cards in such a way that all the good cards are at the bottom and all the poor ones are at the top. When you deal them out to others, you take from the top. When you deal to yourself, you take from the bottom.

I’ve actually been dealing all the bad cards to myself, giving everybody else the good and the wondering why I’m losing! (Understand that this is all leading to a point – I’m not really that bad on myself -anymore). That’s generally what happens with all of us in the domestication phase of our development. We learn from our family (school, religion, etc.) who we are and then live from what may not always be in our best interest. The cards are stacked!

Part 21 of The Master Key starts our by saying, “The real secret of power is consciousness of power.”(1) Or said another way, “Where every your consciousness is, that’s when your power goes.”  And, “what we think is what we create or produce in the objective world.” (3)

(80 . . . we may bring to any condition by creating the corresponding conditions in our own consciousness,  because everything which is held for any length of time in the consciousness, eventually becomes impressed upon the sub-conscious and thus becomes a pattern which the creative energy, will weave into the life and environment of the individual.

9. In this way conditions are produced and we find that our lives are simply the reflection of our predominant thoughts, our mental attitude; we see then that the science of correct thinking is the one science, that it includes all other sciences.

Are you getting this? Consciousness creates! 

If you are playing with a deck that is stacked against yourself, and you keep play with it, you are using your consciousness against yourself! Stop it! That’s what all the flash cards are for, to change consciousness deliberately. Stack the cards in your favor. Add the good, delete the bad. And, remember the importance of the words you choose. And, YES, you get to choose!

I’m adding and sorting right now! Thanks Mark J for all these damn cards!

“Stack the deck in your favor and you’ll win!” 

Master Key Master Mind Alliance


Week 20: Rebooting the Mind

Will this ever end? I hope not.

The Master Key Experience is taking over my life. I have always been on a journey. Today I gladly accept that it is never-ending. There isn’t a destination! The Journey is the Destination. Ever evolving, expanding and growing. Those three word – evolving, expanding and growing – describe the process of living and that’s why it’s called LIFE! I will never learn it all – until I accept That Which I Am and then this will have culminated in Self-Realization – coming to the realization that I Am It All. I Am what  I am looking for.

There is so much wisdom in The Master Key it is now on my shelf of keepers. There are tons (like the in thousands in my basement) of books that contain lots of “knowledge”, but knowledge is for the most part a compilation of perceived “facts” about a world that we have created based on beliefs (be-lies). The “facts” are then arranged to support the beliefs and become the known. All these books have been an important part of my journey but most are not keepers. The keepers have a energy, a vibration, that is felt because they pull back on the corner of knowledge and expose Truth.

Truth is something you don’t have to learn or study, once exposed it is known. Once Truth is realized knowledge becomes meaningless. Certainty becomes useless. Fear is replaced with love. You have entered the realm of Wisdom. In this realm things are fixed, changeless and eternal.

There is so much that could be focused on in Part 20. What rang true for me was found in the first paragraph:

1. The spirit of a thing is that thing; it is necessarily fixed, changeless and eternal. The spirit of you is — you; without the spirit you would be nothing. It becomes active through your recognition of it and its possibilities.

I am Spirit! That means nothing, however, until I recognize it. When I do, and only when I do, it becomes active and then the possibilities are revealed. Those possibilities will not be based on limits of “knowledge” but rather the expanse of Spirit.

4. Thinking is the true business of life, power is the result. You are at all times dealing with the magical power of thought and consciousness. What results can you expect so long as you remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within your control?

When focusing on the “certainty of knowledge” I remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within. Playing with knowledge has become as meaningless a moving the chairs of the Titanic. Yet, I think I’m thinking but that thinking is all done within the limits of knowledge.

Depth comes in contemplation; in SITTING.

First we must stop thinking. That it where SITTING comes in. SITTING returns me the Fixed, the Changeless and the Eternal. Once there, new and better thinking emerges for Nowhere to Now Here and I move ahead with the magical power of thought and consciousness.

SITTING allow me to start fresh, here and now. Like rebooting the mind, I have cleaned out all the errors in My Operating System.

“Knowledge is limited. Imagination will take you anywhere and everywhere!” 

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 19: Is My Faith Unreasonable?

Reason and Faith

I have no idea where this will lead, so I’m just going to “let my fingers to the walking” and see what comes of it.

If there is anything The Master Key and the Master Key Experience requires it would have to be a willingness to learn the art and skill of both thinking and not thinking. If you’re not willing to think then no thinking will occur. That is really what close-mindedness is all about.

I often share that my college experience summarizes how thinking or the lack of it developed for me. In my first year of school, at the first college I attended, I was challenged. I found myself taking what is often referred to as the”bonehead” path. You know, bonehead English, bonehead Math along with the requisite “how to study” courses. This was where I learned that I need to think.  I then completed my undergraduate studies at a religious sponsored school (my second school) where I learned what to think. My graduate studies were completed at a third school and it was there that I finally learned how to think.  Now, I’m in the Master Key Experience which is the post-graduate course in thinking for yourself! (Note that I did say that I didn’t know where all this rambling will lead.)

Part 19 of this post-graduate course then comes along. It starts by saying that the search for truth is a systematic process, logical in its operation. It was then that Faith popped into my mind after a brief SIT (which basically encompasses the Art of Not Thinking.) Then the dictionary draws me! (Thanks Mark J, I now have to look everything up.) It says that if something is logical it will be characterized by or capable of clear, sound reasoning. (That’s reasonable.)

Faith, on the other hand, is complete trust or confidence in someone or something; a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.  GET READY! (So glad my new dictionary is GOOGLE.) Apprehension: anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Now, you’re going to have to work this out in your own mind, I think the conclusion here is that faith is unreasonable. How can anxiety and fear stand-up to logical, clear, and sound reasoning? (That is neither logical nor reasonable!)

Does all this mean I have no faith? Absolutely not! I have total faith. How did I develop it? Well, I had teachers, parents, schools, religious instructors and other people of authority, who always had my best interest at heart, to show the way. Interestingly the main theme of their teachings and guidance I seemed to have fear as the foundation. The result? A set of beliefs that reinforced three pillars upon which rest my identity: I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough and I’m unlovable! That’s what I was taught to have faith in.


So, how do we develop faith? Part 19’s exercise contains the key:

27. For your exercise this week, concentrate, and when I use the word concentrate, I mean all that the word implies; become so absorbed in the object of your thought that you are conscious of nothing else, and do this a few minutes every day.


That which we concentrate on is what we have faith in!

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that I’ve been concentrating on the wrong things. If faith doesn’t stand up to reason, it’s probably not a reasonable faith. Now, think about that!

“There is no wisdom in what you know – it’s in what you don’t know!” –Joseph Campbell

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 18: Imagination Takes You There

Truth is Eternal. I has to be.

The one thing that continues to amaze me about The Master Key is that although it was written a hundred years ago it’s application clearly applies to today. In Part 18 Haanel states:

2. The present revolution in the opinions of all classes of men, the highest and most cultured of men as well as those of the laboring class, stands unparalleled in the history of the world.

4. A new civilization is being born; customs, creeds, and precedent are passing; vision, faith and service are taking their place. The fetters of tradition are being melted off from humanity, and as the dross of materialism is being consumed, thought is being liberated and truth is rising full orbed before an astonished multitude.

5. The whole world is on the eve of a new consciousness, a new power, and a new realization within the self..

As I consider the world I live in today, it seems a bit of an understatement to say that something is up.  Customs, creeds and precedent are certainly being challenged. If a new civilization is being born, it appears that we are deep in the throws of “hard labor’!  A New Consciousness is about to manifest. The old is being cast off. Those in power – economically, politically and religiously – are all being challenged. The old ways will not die an easy death! Power is moving from the few to the many. Indeed, a new consciousness is about to be born.

A New Consciousness

In my old mindset, all of this would evoke fear, but not today. The Master Key Experience is teaching be that the politically, economic and religiously powerful have no more power than  what I give them and that the tools for this new consciousness lies within me – indeed, it permeates all things and is ready to be called into action. I have heretofore been in bondage to my own thinking. I have come to realize that what I formerly thought was my castle has turned into my prison. . . but I have the keys. I am free.

Thought it the key!

14. Thought is the invisible link by which the individual comes into communication with the Universal, the finite with the Infinite, the seen with the Unseen. Thought is the magic by which the human is transformed into a being who thinks and knows and feels and acts.

I am free! I am that being who can think and know and feel and act! I am no longer tethered to beliefs that have not been put to the test and demonstrated to be a living truth – Eternal Truth.  The Mindset Behind Success is mine. My imagination takes me there and I control my imagination with the tools of The Master Key Experience.

“Once you see the false as false, it is not necessary any further to seek the truth.”       – Nisargadatta Maharaj

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 17: What a Wonderful World

It’s a wonderful world only if you think it is.

Part 17 of The Master Key begins by telling us that Man has “dominion over all things” and that dominion is established through the Mind. Well, here we go again. Said in another way, we’re back to “what you think about comes about!” I guess if it is said enough times, in enough different ways, I’ll finely get it. Of course, that’s the whole purpose of the Master Key Experience.

I think it’s important to establish the fact and understanding that Man HAS dominion over ALL things. It’s something we already have! It’s not something that we have to acquire – we already have dominion!

What is dominion? My dictionary says it’s sovereign control.  It also related to another word: domination. All that sounds pretty powerful. To me, what all this is saying is that I am the sovereign, or supreme ruler of my own life, dominating and controlling every aspect of it. And, again, it’s not a power I have to acquire, it’s one I already have: “I AM That I AM, the Great I AM.”

Crazy you may say! But not so. With all that power I have created my life just the way it is. But, it’s not quite the way I wanted it to be. Why? Could it be that I am misusing my power? Maybe I’ve be concentrating on the wrong things and as a result I have been creating the wrong things in my life.

Concentration was the concept that caught my attention Part 17 of The Master Key:

The practice of concentration requires control of the physical, mental and psychical being; all modes of consciousness whether physical, mental or psychical must be under control. (9)

Concentration does not mean mere thinking of thoughts, but the transmutation of these thoughts into practical values; the average person has no conception of the meaning of concentration. There is always the cry “to have” but never the cry “to be”; they fail to understand that they cannot have one without the other . . . (11)

Have I been using my dominion to concentrate on wrong things? Maybe so. What are worry and fear if not the misuse of the power of concentration. Are they not the cry “to be” something I don’t want to be? Am I not “being” what I don’t want?

Now I see! All the crazy things (exercises) Mark J assigns are to give conscious direction and application on the proper use of the power of concentration, resulting in True Dominion over all things for my good. Thanks Mark. Today I create a wonderful world.

The mind absorbs the object of its attention and gives it life and being.

Master Key Master Mind Alliance


Week 16: I Have No Neutral Thoughts

It all happens automatically. There are Laws in place. All causes have effects. And, here’s the big one: “Ignorance is no excuse!” How many times have I heard that? Yet I persist in ignorance. Then there is this realization: “If experience is such a good teacher why do I have to keep retaking the lessons?” And here’s this one from my 12-Step training: “Why do I keep doing the same thing, over and over, expecting different results?” Good question.

The Master Key Experience deals with all these issues.”Issues” is just a fancy word for resistance. The only reason I have any issues is because of my own resistance – resistance to change, resistance to guidance, resistance to truth. Why am I so unwilling to change? Could it be because I think I already know everything? What if everything I know is wrong?

In the Master Key I’m learning that resistance is overcome by persistence.  And the Master Key is persistent. That’s evidenced in that fact that when done “as instructed” it takes six months to get complete. Twenty-six weeks of coming at me again and again. Calling me to think; to open my mind. To take control of the “one thing” that’s causing all the problems in my life: My Mind!

This has got to be one of the best experiences of my life. And, I am determined to see things differently. I am determined to think difference thoughts. I am determined to change the effects in my life and the only way to do that is to change my thoughts. Thank you Mark J for all the assignments, and for the variety of the assignments, and yes for the volume of the assignments. It’s taking all of it the get the subby in line and back into my control. So, Marl J, thanks!

Week 16 tells me why the world is the way it is, for me. Just three steps are required, idealization, visualization and materialization. Instead of operating in ignorance of this process, I can actively, deliberately, and intentionally use this process to improve my life. It’s not that this process isn’t something I was already using, it’s a Law, it doesn’t care about my ignorance, it works in spite of it. I just was allowing a the misguided subby to run wild – without any guidance from me. That’s all changing.

I’m also a student of A Course in Miracles. “I’m determined to see thing differently” is one of it’s lessons (Lesson 21). Determination and persistence are powerful tools. Lesson 16 from A Course in Miracles is, “I have no neutral thoughts.”  What it teaches is consistent with The Master Key:

The idea for today is a beginning step in dispelling the belief that your thoughts have no effect. Everything you see is the result of your thoughts. There is no exception to this fact. Thoughts are not big or little; powerful or weak. They are merely true or false. Those that are true create their own likeness. Those that are false make theirs.

There is no more self-contradictory concept than that of “idle thoughts.” What gives rise to the perception of a whole world can hardly be called idle. Every thought you have contributes to truth or to illusion; either it extends the truth or it multiplies illusions. You can indeed multiply nothing, but you will not extend it by doing so.

Besides your recognizing that thoughts are never idle, salvation requires that you also recognize that every thought you have brings either peace or war; either love or fear. A neutral result is impossible because a neutral thought is impossible. There is such a temptation to dismiss fear thoughts as unimportant, trivial and not worth bothering about that it is essential you recognize them all as equally destructive, but equally unreal. We will practice this idea in many forms before you really understand it.

What great wisdom. I’m beginning to apply it.

Thoughts that are true create their own likeness. Those that are false make theirs.

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 15: Solely For Our Advantage

What would it be like if in the living of your life everything just fell into place? Just the way you wanted it?  As though you had a personal assist that was able to take every situation and make the best of it solely to your advantage. And, when the next situation came along it would be done again and again! If you turned left when it would have been better to turn right, somehow you find yourself directed back toward the right and when you arrive things are actually better that you expected! How would it be to never be lost? To never fall short? To never lack anything? And, when a problem or situation can up unexpectedly, right behind it- immediately – the solution presented itself.

Wouldn’t that be great? If you knew that was the case where would you go? What would you do? How would you live?  Really, what would your life be like? This Assistant would act something like a Global Positioning System, correcting and redirecting you, by the ideal and shortest route to the best destination possible for you. And, when you arrive – WOW! Wouldn’t it be great?

The Eternal Soul Positioning System

This High Powered GPS would be sort of an Eternal, Ever Present, All Knowing and All Powerful System. In fact, why don’t we call it what it actually is: The Eternal Soul Positioning System! Instead of responding to external coordinates and sending signals to and from various satellites to various other satellites that are trying to calculate your present position this ESPS is functioning perfectly inside you! It knows where you are because wherever you go, it goes – it’s always with you. Instead of recalculating in order send you to a remote destination it responds to you every wish and brings it to you!

Of course, we “see through the glass darkly” primarily because were looking the wrong direction. We are looking out there, into the dark instead of in here looking toward the Light where the soul-utions are. For every problem their is a soul-ution because all problems have solutions attached directly to them. The moment the problem occurred the solution was created. That’s what atonement is. When we are at-one with something how can there be a problem.

Part 15 has done it again. One more perspective on how to align ourselves with the immutable laws which we cannot escape, explaining that the eternal forces act in solemn silence. In the silence we have the power to place ourselves in harmony with Universal Substance (Source, God or whatever name you prefer) and thus express a life of peace and happiness. The whole system was designed solely for our advantage.

You Create the Problems – God Creates the Solutions.

The problem is our unwillingness to place ourselves in harmony with the Eternal Soul Positioning system.  From paragraph 3:

3. Difficulties, inharmonies, and obstacles, indicate that we are either refusing to give out what we no longer need, or refusing to accept what we require.

Seems all we need is a little willingness! “Our highest happiness will be best attained through our understanding of, and conscious co-operation with natural laws.” (9)

11. It is love which imparts vitality to thought and thus enables it to germinate. The law of attraction, or the law of love, for they are one and the same, will bring to it the necessary material for its growth and maturity.

“It is evident, therefore, that if we wish desirable conditions, we can afford to entertain only desirable thoughts.” (13)

Knowledge does not apply itself. Actions are not governed by knowledge, but by custom, precedent and HABIT. (36)

The Eternal Soul Positioning System gives us insight which is a product of the world within and developed only in Silence by concentration. We must SIT. We must move within to hear the Sounds of Silence.

You Create the Problems – God Creates the Solutions.

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 14: Perfect Harmony

har·mo·ny  (noun)  1. the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect. 2. agreement or concord.

I think most people understand what harmony means in music. In fact music is really just another definition for harmony, because if there isn’t harmony then it really isn’t music. For me the common element to both harmony and music is that they must both have a pleasing effect.

If you are this far along in The Master Key then you surly understand that all effects are the result of a cause.  For harmonious effects the cause must include some aspect of agreement or concord which causes a resonating or pleasing effect. In scientific parlance things are vibrating together.

Part 14 suggests that harmony is something that exists in all of us. In fact it is an aspect of Universal Substance and the source of all Power, Wisdom and Intelligence and a quality of Mind. As an aspect of Universal Substance it exist everywhere. The question then becomes that if it exists everywhere, why aren’t the pleasing effects always experienced?

The answer: Each individual Mind is creative and by the choices we make we cause the formation of the phenomenal world which we experience. What we think about comes about. Not only does it come about, it expands and reproduces itself.

16. All things have their origin in mind, and appearances are the result of thought. So that we see that Things in themselves have no origin, permanency or reality. Since they are produced by thought they can be erased by thought.

Discord and harmony have no origin, permanency or reality except in our mind. We did this all to ourselves. Understanding this point gives up total control of outcomes and effects in our life. Any discordant effect in our lives can be eliminated or erased by thought.

The Master Key Experience has provided the tools to accomplish the task. As Mark J would suggest you have the knowledge, but knowledge does not apply itself. Don’t think about the discord, that only creates more discord. Think about harmony and you will experience harmony.

SIT with harmony and Universal Substance will create it. Look for harmony and you will find it. Ask. Seek and ye shall find.

Think about harmony and you will experience harmony.

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

Week 13: Experience Trumps Belief

Why would I continue to believe something that is not supported by my own personal experience? That’s an interesting question. I’ve lived my whole live based on beliefs. The Master Key Experience is giving me a great opportunity to examine that very question. Where did all these beliefs that have formed the idea of who I think I am come from. Are they real (as in true). Do they really make me the person I want to be? Is there any reasonable process or procedure for their examination and how would I know that that process of procedure was reliable?

The beginning of the answer is and has been outlined and explained over and over again in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance presentations. Mark J points out the all those beliefs come directly for our subconscious mind – The Subby. It always points out that something is wrong with me and the best way to fix it is to get back in line with beliefs. And, frankly, that just doesn’t work for me any more because all those beliefs that the Subby adopted and reinforces were given to it by people in authority. They may have been loving family members, religious authorities and teachers, but everything they taught me to believe ultimately said I was not good enough, unworthy and unlovable. I just didn’t measure up. Lies! All of them lies.

Okay, Dean, take a deep breath (SIT), let it go and detach from belief! Part 13 teaches a better way: A method founded upon reason and experience (4). The science of inductive reasoning allows you to base your life on experience rather than belief. In fact, I have found experience helpful in overcoming beliefs. My experience often does not align with my beliefs and experience is a better reasoning tool than belief. Why? Because it is based on experience. It happened (or not). You only need to become an observer of your own life. Apply reason (meaning thinking for yourself) and base your conclusions on experience. That’s how you become a Inductive Scientist!

This process purges the mind of narrow prejudices, denominated – as in denominational – theories (I interpret that as dogma and doctrine) which are for the most part forcible demonstrations of ignorance. Wow! Did you catch that? Denominational dogma and doctrine are for the most part forcible demonstrations of ignorance!  I’m putting up my lightning rod right now. Okay, Dean, take a deep breath (SIT), let it go and detach from belief!

Now, I’m really treading on “Forbidden Ground!”: “Don’t question authority.” This objection was used, and continues to be used, against every advance in human  knowledge. This suggestion should receive no serious consideration; but, on the contrary, we should carefully consider every FACT which is brought to our attention.(14) We must also be willing to accept that facts may interfere with beliefs. Experience trumps beliefs not the other way around.

Experience trumps beliefs not the other way around.

I started out thinking I’d talk about Happiness and Harmony, which is how Part 13 concludes. In paragraph 19 we read:

But we cannot be happy unless we have, health, strength, congenial friends, pleasant environment, sufficient supply, not only to take care of our necessities but to provide for those comforts and luxuries to which we are entitled.

I would suggest that we cannot be happy until we release our beliefs that interfere with happiness and look for ways to live in harmony with the examined evidence of experience. Inductive Reasoning will allow a more full experience in living a life of happiness and harmony unhampered by ignorant beliefs.

A life of happiness and harmony unhampered by ignorant beliefs!

Master Key Master Mind Alliance


Week 12: Thought and Love Create in Silence

cre• ate: cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s thoughts

Understanding the creative power of thought is essential to creating the life one desires. Scientific principles work for us only to the extent of our knowledge, understanding and application of those principles. Once understood and applied the response is always certain. In a laboratory experiment it can be experienced again and again. Repeated experience builds confidence in our ability to duplicate the result.

Now, that is all very understandable from a point of scientific principle. My problem has been to gain the same type of scientific understanding in relations to my own thoughts. Part 12 of the Master Key System encourages the examination of how we create through thought so we can move on to the deliberate application of our knowledge and understanding. To do that alone can be difficult because our experience is generally based on beliefs that have not been examined. And, our attachment to those beliefs has caused them to be accepted as truth.

Part 12 clearly stated that “The power to think is common to all.” (2) Really? I know a lot of people that appear to lack the power to think! And this course is teaching me that I am one of them. I’m learning that my Subby deliberately offers up information and leads me to believe that the thinking is done! None is required. Just do what you’ve been told all your life. Don’t examine the beliefs you hold because those beliefs are your identity.

Paragraph 4 offers the solution –

The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success. There are three steps, and each one is absolutely essential. You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.

So,  I have to know that I have the power – the power to think. That knowing must include the understanding that thoughts create. Then, courage is required in order to even dare to think. Why? Because as soon as you start thinking for yourself you are going to find that it upsets others and your Subby. Here is where eternal vigilance is required for vigilance is the price of success. Your vigilance is the evidence of your faith to do. To do what? To use and apply that which you understand in order to create what you want.

You cannot change how all this works for that would require changing the Changeless. You can however come into understanding and alignment with the Laws of Universal Thought. This must be a conscious and deliberate act of thought by YOU! Doing so sets in motion the laws of attraction.

Another Name for Love

Part 12 (18) gives the best understanding of law of attraction I’ve ever seen. It simple says that the law of attraction is another name for love! Wow! What you love is attracted to you! That’s it? Yea, that’s it! No, you say, because you have all those things you don’t want, it can’t be. Yet it is. The problem is that you love what you think about, otherwise you wouldn’t be thinking about it and you’re thinking about the wrong things so the wrong things come! The Subby is offering it all to you. Remember Week 11’s injunction?:  “No! You Shall Not Pass!” Use it. Think Another Thought.

The Law of Attraction is another name for Love! Yes. And, there is another name for love as well. One that I’m sure you’ve heard before: “God is Love”. That which you love you draw unto yourself so just Love God and see what happens.

Silence is Golden

Where do you find God? You know this answer: “Be Still and Know”. That’s what meditation (sitting) is all about. Being still is coming to know God and Love and Everything God has in store. Attract God and You will Attract Everything!

 Attract God and you will attract everything!

Master Key Master Mind Alliance

People often make meditation a thing that you have to learn how to do. To meditate you literally Don’t Do Anything. Mark J’s instruction is best: SIT. Five minutes is a good start. The more you do it the more comfortable you will become doing it and the easier it will be to extend the time. Being still leads to knowing!

He who desires wisdom, power or permanent success of any kind will find it only within; it is an unfoldment. The unthinking may conclude that the silence is very simple and easily attained, but it should be remembered that only in absolute silence may one come into contact with Divinity itself; (12-27)

Then ask, listen and take notes. I did:

What evidence do you need? Is it not perfectly clear that you are always cared for? In this moment do you not have everything you need? Why choose to believe in lack, especially when that belief produces the lack? Have you not had ample evidence to support that?

There is a tendency to look around you as though everything you have or think you don’t have, is outside you. Know this: “Nothing is outside you!” Nothing you have or don’t have. Everything comes from within – everything. This Everything Within, however, is denied by you based on beliefs that have been reinforced throughout time. In fact, it is this belief in time that keeps you separated from what you desire. It is a law of the time-space dimension in which you are having your present experience.

Things appear to be removed and apart from you, therefore it will require time for them to come to you. This belief is so well established that it keeps repeating itself over and over. This over-and-over process keeps, or rather appear to keep that which you desire away. It is denial at its “best”, for it is the denial of Reality. The Reality of Who You Really Are – The Creator of Everything.

As the Creator of Everything, you are capable of manifesting (causing to appear) anything you desire. That desire, however, must come from an internal belief and knowing that frees you from the belief in the external. You are not the third dimensional being you think you are. You are a Muti-dimensional Being focusing on the third dimensional realm. This is a path you have chosen for the experience-of-a-lifetime!

The Multi-dimensional Being That You Are knows this and as such understands that all desires are fulfilled and that everything is as it should be – perfect! Believe, trust and accept the reality of this Multi-dimensional Aspect of Your Self. As you quiet the mind, you as all Masters have done, will come to accept this Aspect of Your Self, the Aspect of Everything That Is, allowing you to experience everything. You are The One! The One Who Creates as you desire!

Of course, you already knew this. This was just a reminder.